What Is Upper Eyelid Surgery | Lower Eyelid?
Skin loses laxity and firmness over time due to reasons like gravity or heredity. Sagging starts earlier especially on body areas where the skin is thinner, eyelids, for instance. This is when the excess skin on upper eyelids must be removed through a horizontal incision, which is called an upper eyelid surgery Turkey.
Eyelid surgery Turkey gives you a youthful and charming look while lower eye bag surgery saves you from the exhausted and sleepy expression. Being among the safest cosmetic surgery operations abroad, hooded eye surgery is carried out by talented plastic surgeons at a reasonable blepharoplasty cost in Turkey.

Types of Eyelid Surgeries
There is not only one standard technique used to perform blepharoplasty surgeries. The technique is decided based on your current problems and needs and your doctor’s preference. There are mainly two types of eyelid surgery carried out in Turkey:
Upper Blepharoplasty in Turkey
It is an intervention that is performed through micro-incisions on the natural crease of the upper eyelids to remove skin and excess fat caused by ageing or heredity. The objective of this intervention is to give patients a more rested and rejuvenated appearance.

Lower Blepharoplasty in Turkey
It is an intervention that is performed to remove under-eye bags. It is carried out through an external incision along the lash line, which effectively prevents scarring.
In cases where patients have both sagging upper eyelids and under-eye bags, upper and lower eyelid surgery abroad can be performed at the same time as a combined surgery.
There are two more popular types of eyelid surgery which have to be mentioned:
- Almond Eye Surgery
- Asian Eye Surgery
Almond Eye Surgery
Almond eye procedure is a procedure very popular amongst Hollywood stars, and celebrities all over the world. Depending on the ancestry, almond eyes are reckoned to be more beautiful, captivating and young looking. Almond Eye procedure creates a bit higher lateral canthus with the lower eyelids sitting precisely at the lower border of the iris with no scleral appearing. So basically, the eye is slightly pulled upward to make it look bigger and to make the eyes look deeper.
Asian Eyelid Surgery
Asians and people with Asian roots generally have single eyelids, so they don’t have visible folds and creases in their upper eyelids. This feature causes eyes to look smaller, puffy or a tired look. Asian eyelid surgery generally includes a small incision made in the upper eyelid from which the excess tissue containing fat and skin will be removed. With this incision, an eyelid fold is imitated. Asian eyelid surgery is designed to keep ethnic origin and glamorise the face and eye shape at the same time.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery
The following instructions are general information to be followed before and after an eyelid surgery. Clinic Center does not take responsibility for the accuracy of these instructions. The instructions of your surgeon after your eyelid surgery in Turkey should be followed.
The following instructions are general information to be followed before and after an eyelid surgery. Clinic Center does not take responsibility for the accuracy of these instructions. The instructions of your surgeon after your eyelid surgery in Turkey should be followed.
Pre-Operation Instructions
- Stop taking any medications or any vitamin supplements containing aspirin, ibuprofen (e.g. Advil, Motrin, Aleve etc.), all herbal medicines and all diet pills because they can affect blood clotting and may cause complications about blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory.
- Stop smoking before at least 4 weeks. Nicotine slows the healing period down.
- Stop drinking alcohol at least 2 days before your surgery.
- Do not use any kind of medication without your doctor’s permission.
Night/Day of the Surgery:
- Do not eat or drink anything 6-8 hours before your surgery.
- Prefer clothing (button-top and pull on pants, zipped shirt, sweatpants etc.) that does not need to be pulled over your head.
- Leave your valuables at your hotel.
- Do not wear contact lenses.
- Do not wear make-up, jewellery or apply any kind of lotion, cream etc. to your face.

Post-Operation Instructions
- Bruising and swelling can be normally expected after eyelid surgery. It may last 2 weeks or longer depending on your body and aftercare.
- Strictly avoid excessive facial movements especially sneezing and coughing for the first week.
- Restrict your movements after your surgery.
- Strictly avoid sun exposure.
- Sleep and rest in an upright position. (Like on 2-3 pillows)
- Keep away from bending down and heavy lifting for at least 1 month.
- Keep away from strenuous activity for at least 4 weeks.
- Sex is not recommended for at least 2 weeks after your surgery.
- Apply ice and cold compresses on your eyes based on the instructions of your surgeon.
Eyelid Surgery Frequently Asked Questions
What is eyelid lift surgery?
Eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure generally done for cosmetic reasons to improve appearance removing bagginess and droopiness in your eyelids.
What is eyelid lift surgery?
Depending on the case and the number of surgeries to be combined, an eyelid surgery may take approximately 1-2 hours.
Can men have surgery for asymmetrical eyes in Turkey?
Of course. Eyelid surgery can be performed for every patient regardless of gender.
Will scars be visible after eyelid surgery?
Whether in upper or lower eyelid surgery, incisions are made within the contour of eyelid or very close to eyelid line, so they will not be fully visible. Besides, Clinic Center partner doctors try their best to provide minimum visibility of scars after surgery.
Are the eyelid surgery results permanent?
Though it is closely related with the ageing process, the results of an eyelid surgery generally last for many years, sometimes even lifelong!
What is the excess eyelid skin surgery cost in Turkey?
Thanks to cheap living costs and the local health system, excess eyelid skin procedure cost in Turkey is lower compared to European countries. While the exact amount that you have to pay varies according to your case, Clinic Center guarantees to offer you one of the most affordable eyelid surgery cost in Turkey.