Hair is something that makes the first impression and talks about your personality and style. But, hair loss has become quite a common problem in today’s world, and it affects more than 85% of the population by the age of 50. So, when you step out of the house, one of the most overbearing things is to deal with a visible scalp patch or receding hairline. Losing more than 100 strands a day becomes a cause of worry, and hair fall negatively impacts your self-confidence as well.

Along with ageing, many other factors can trigger hair loss, depending on your lifestyle. Genetics, abnormal hormones, lack of nutritional diet, medications, stress, harmful hair-products and pollution are some of the reasons that experts take into consideration. So, once the underlying cause is diagnosed and treated in the right way, then there are chances that hair loss may stop, and hair may grow back.

How to solve severe hair loss? When there is sudden and rapid hair loss, there are various things you can do to disguise it. Ofcourse, you can use a hat or scarf to cover your head. If you have many bald patches, then you can consider covering them with a hairpiece. But, for a natural look, one of the surefire options is a hair transplant.

Hair transplantation is a surgery that takes out hair follicles from the donor area and implants them to the part of your scalp where it is bald, i.e. the recipient site. Various advanced tools and technologies such as a scalpel or punch graft instruments are used to perform the surgery. Next, the removed hair follicles are placed into tiny holes of the recipient site. Hair transplantation is very successful, and there is growing evidence among people opting for one who needs natural-looking hair.

Out of all the hair transplant techniques available in the market, follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the most effective one.

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

The physician uses micro punches to harvest each hair follicle as a graft in an FUE hair transplant without creating a linear incision. Also, the hair follicles are taken out randomly, allowing the thinning of the area less noticeable. This technique replaces the traditional FUT method, which takes the entire skin on the scalp along with follicles and transplants them to the hairless area leading to a hair plug look.

FUE hair transplant came into existence in the year 2002, and the results were not only seamless but also traceless. Thus, it became a preferred hair loss solution all over the world. Also, the recovery time is around ten days as compared to two months from the FUT process, and scarring is only on the neck without cutting or stitches.

How does it work?

FUE hair transplant, the surgeon extracts and transplants individual follicular units (around 1 to 4 hairs) from the donor area to the recipient area. This means it removes hair follicles from the back or sides of the scalp, which are resistant to DHT hormone, causing hair loss. As a result, these hair follicles do not fall out in the future. Because of this reason, FUE hair transplantation is known to be a permanent procedure. Also, the FUE procedure creates channels, i.e. small incisions made in the recipient area to implant follicular units. These channels showcase the new hair growth’s angle, direction, and density to create the most natural-looking results.

At EsteNove, we use the most innovative and effective hair transplant, i.e. the Sapphire FUE hair transplant.

What is Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

Both Sapphire hair transplant and FUE hair transplant use the same procedures, but the uniqueness of Sapphire FUE hair transplant is the use of sapphire tips instead of traditional metal slits at the channel creation stage. The channels are opened with a minimum incision which ensures less crusting and provides faster healing. Moreover, Sapphire tips allow accurate and close transplantation of hair follicles, thereby providing a natural look.

EsteNove’s Sapphire hair transplant creates fine channels by sapphire blades to provide more natural-looking results. Made from precious gemstone, Sapphire tips have smooth surfaces and antibacterial properties. They offer hardness, sharpness, and durability with less vibration when used in the hair transplantation process. As a result, there is no tissue damage, and the results are better.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

1. Consultation

When you visit the clinic, the surgeon will understand your requirements and finalise the number of grafts and hairstyle. Once it’s confirmed, they will spend some time and resolve your queries. Before starting the procedure, the hairline is done, and necessary blood tests are taken.

2. Anaesthesia

Local anaesthesia is used for this hair transplantation method. The donor area is disinfected, which takes around 30 minutes. Then, a needle-free injection is used to make the area numb. A device is used with pressure, so patients do not feel the ache.

3. Extraction and Opening Canals

The hair roots are removed and placed within the channels using Sapphire tips. Then, canals are opened using a sapphire tip that significantly affects the hair appearance, angle and density.

4. Implantation

Sapphire FUE hair transplant uses sapphire tips to transplant the extracted hair follicles to open channels. These hair follicles are planted together, even in the narrow area, providing more density. Also, we transplant with the right angle to give a natural appearance.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Benefits

  • Although post-surgery complications are pretty low, Sapphire FUE hair transplant reduces the risk further
  • Sapphire blades have antibacterial properties, which minimises the risk of tissue damage
  • The hair follicles are placed at proper angles and directions, providing natural results
  • Sapphire FUE technique allows frequent extraction than the traditional method
  • The precise opening of the canals heals the tissue faster and transfers the extracted follicles smoothly to the skin
  • The FUE method places transplanted follicular units very close to each other, thereby improving the density of hair
  • Hair roots are placed in their channels at a natural angle
  • The maximum number of grafts can be reached in one session

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Side-effects

Ideally, there are not many side effects of Sapphire FUE hair transplant, but if a patient does not follow the post-surgery instructions correctly, then it can create complications. Here are some of the side effects of Sapphire FUE hair transplant.

1. Swelling

After the procedure, patients are advised to rest completely to avoid swelling or edema around the face. However, this swelling lasts only for a week and then disappears.

2. Itching

Sometimes, the patient can feel itching after the procedure. It’s a normal side effect that may may a few days and can easily be managed with medicinal cream.

3. Redness

Post-operation, redness appears in both the areas, which goes away in ten days.

4. Numbness

Due to the anaesthesia, numbness can occur in both areas, and it lasts until the effect is over.

How to prepare for a FUE hair transplant?

Here are some things you can follow before a FUE hair transplant surgery:

  • Avoid smoking for at least a day.
  • Do not drink for three days.
  • Avoid aspirin or blood thinner for around two weeks.
  • Avoid vitamin supplements for two weeks.
  • Try to avoid antidepressants for two weeks.
  • Avoid haircut before the surgery.